Monday, 17 May 2010

129 - Long Time No Skill...

I’ve just returned from my first trip to the driving range in months and it is fair to say I’m in bits. My back is killing me, my arms are aching and curiously my arse is sore. The night wasn’t a complete success but there were enough positives to give me hope that I might be good enough to actually get a handicap this year – high hopes I’m sure you’ll all agree.

I decided to have a varied session so took my MX-560 driver, my new MX Fli-Hi 20* hybrid, my MP57 7-iron and my trusty 52* MP-R wedge, all Mizuno, all quality – too good for a cack-handed clown like me if I’m being honest but I’m hoping that by using good kit I might receive some small advantage to make up for my chronic lack of ability.

I was accompanied to the range at Aintree by mate called Tommy who used to play a bit and swore blind he hadn’t hit a ball for three years…as shot after shot flew arrow straight down the range! Ok, some of the shots flew arrow straight to the right but never the less he was very consistent with his shots. The force is strong in that one methinks!

I started with my driver and after a few wayward bombs managed to produce a couple of decent shots. Next time I practice I’m taking my F-60 3 wood as I have so much more control over it without losing a significant amount of distance. It has a stiff shaft (oo-er) which helps rein in the immense power my perfectly honed physique produces. Ahem...

Fli-Hi...Next off the rubber tee was my new Mizuno hybrid which I bought, if I’m being honest, to match the rest of my set. I already have a Howson hybrid that works perfectly well but I’m too much of a snob to keep it in my bag. Having read tons of reviews I was convinced the MX Fli-Hi (right) would be a step up but after 20 balls I’m not convinced, more work needed I think.

The last time I took my 7 iron out I had a bit of an epiphany as I hit shot after shot exactly the same. As any golfer will tell you, consistency is the key to good scores so I was looking forward to proving it wasn’t a one off. I failed. Actually I failed at first but started to get the accuracy back after a few shots but I didn’t hit the heights of last time.

Finally it was some scoring shots with my wedge. The owners of the driving range have decided to remove the small chipping baskets from the range. I don’t know who come up with this but if I ever find out I’m going to go medieval on their baby makers with my 60* chipper. The ‘blue basket challenge’ was my favourite game.

With the baskets gone I had to improvise by trying to hit a big 40-yard marker, pretending it was the pin. Although still useful it wasn’t nearly as satisfying as landing a ball sweetly into a basket. After a couple of wayward chips I was managing to get close enough to be happy with where the ball was ending up.

Overall I was disappointed with a lot of the shots I made but every now and then there was a glimmer of hope as the ball went exactly where I wanted it to. I came back to the same conclusion though, I need to pull my finger out and get some practice in.